MosaicsOfIntention MosaicsOfIntention

Mindful construction of the mosaic: New morning in Izola


Izola, 1 April 2017, on the magic Mazioli square v had a marvellous workshop  ...


People from Izola and visitors gathered. First, we discuss about our thoughts, which are often  somewhere else while our body, our mind is doing other things. This is called automatic pilot. When we spend too much time on automatic pilot, we do not enjoy the present moment. Therefore, we practiced the awareness of the present moment and to try to pass on the entire process of mosaic construction. The workshop was accompanied by the exhibition of my recent works.


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The atmosphere was relaxed and fun, thanks to all participants. Hence, a wonderful mosaic that was created, which was grouted next Sunday. Not only that we were mindful, the most important thing is that eacparticipants gave his/her peace of Izola in ihe final work. A small, but important contribution.


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 Foto: Maja Frencl Žvanut


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Oživela ulica 2016
Oživela ulica 2016 Maja Frencl Žvanut

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