MosaicsOfIntention MosaicsOfIntention

Self construction

... to reassemble myself, piece by piece

Self-construction (also called self-concept, self-identity or self-perspective) is a multi-dimensional construct that refers to an individual's perception of "self" in relation to any number of characteristics, such as academics (and nonacademics), gender roles and sexuality, racial identity, and many others [Wikipedia]. An individual has to clarify many issues and simply to reassemble him/herself.

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The challenge was easy to explain but difficult to implement: to assemble the pieces of tiles in order to make my portrait. In December 2004 I studied an excellent book of Joaquim Chavarria: Creating mosaics, which considerably helped me in the construction of this artwork. In that period I also started to train Karate and solved many complicated networking problems.

  MOI: Winter, 2004Materials: Ceramic, Grout, Iveral

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