MosaicsOfIntention MosaicsOfIntention

Tranzistor bar table

How did we make the mosaic bar table for Transistor bar?


1., 2. We got an old coffee table and carved 7mm in depth with the router the place for letter I, heart and a place for transistor
3., 4. We painted the mosaics' borders in the final colour and started with the most complex mosaic on the table
4., 5. then we constructed the heart, where a piece of glass (bottom of green bottle) was added, and then the letter I. Floor tiles were be used in order to resist extreme bar circumstances and silicon glue to resist everyday vibrations.
6. The table was painted matt black, after final re-painting a hardwood floors polsih will be applied on a black paint.


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Exhibited in Tranzistor Bar, atmosphere maker in so-called "hipster" corner. Youngsters like to seat around it.


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MOI, januar 2017
Materials: pohodne ploščice, fug. masa, miza

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