MosaicsOfIntention MosaicsOfIntention

Intro text


Mosaics were decorating the living rooms of ancient Romans and the modern man is rediscovering their beauty. A mosaic is an invaluable gift that can decorate Your living room, bedroom, bathroom, floor or office.


A mosaic can be more than just a decorative element, as we can instil in it Your purpose, Your intention by using symbols, forms, colours, etc. If you want to make Your own Mosaic of Intention, please contact us on +386 41519626 or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


We also organize mosaic construction workshops for adults and children, teambuilding workshops for interested groups, associations, companies, etc.



Festival Burja je potekal od 27. 6. do 1. 7. 2016. Tudi tam smo izvedli delavnico izdelave logotipa festivala. Zvečer smo se zbrali na vrtu CMK in v dobri družbi izdelali lepe mozaika. Hvala organizatorjema Andražu Hribovšek in Klemnu Zonti za povabilo ter Matevžu Kocjanu za lepe fotografije.




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 Foto: Matevž Kocjan



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Burja naslovnica
Burja naslovnica Matevž Kocjan

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